Blodnick's Blog


.:. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME .:. Nick is 22, moving on to Denver, and could not be happier about it!


I have become very frustrated with my blog as of late. I am not sure if I am the only one to notice this, but a lot of times when I pull it up it doesn't actually show anything. GRR!!! It only started doing this the past couple of days, so maybe it is just because of the long weekend. I think the problem is the shout out thing. I will turn it off for a few days and bring it back.

The painting is done!!! I filled in the last little "snake-eyes" today and got a few places I had just missed. I started to put everything back together too. I think it looks great at night, though it hasn't settled in with me during the day. I guess I will see how I feel after a couple weeks. I think I will also abandon replacing the outlets. I am just not equipped well enough to be playing with electricity.

I woke this morning to my neighbors moving out. Out of 3 neighbors, I now have 1 left. What is going on with this place? I wish someone would tell me because I think it is fine for the most part. I guess it just leaves more opportunity for a young, hot 22 year old chick to move in next to me. Cross your fingers!

I also went downtown and saw a cool documentary about surfing. I LOVE this theater. I have mentioned it before, and I am sure this won't be the last time. I think I have figured out how to post a pic, so I think this is as good a time as ever to show you how cool this place is.

posted by Nick P. @ 11:07 PM

this takes practice

I spent most of the day today painting my dining room and my kitchen. I think it is turning out pretty well, though I am not very good at doing the trim. I painted some of the ceiling and also got some on the carpet. I got it out though (after dumping like a gallon of water on it). It isn't quite done though, so I will update the pics page when it is.

Outback's pick up and go is the coolest thing ever. You call them, order your food, and go over there 15 minutes later. You even get to wait in your car for them to walk to your door. This is so much better than Chili's where you pretty much have to go in and order like the rest of the people and wait looking like a putz. Way to be Outback!!!

And then there are the pokes. I was so happy to hear them play today. The pokes D has really stepped it up. Seeing as that has been our worst part of the game for years, it is great to hear. However, our offense was just kind putzy. It was only a D-II team and I think in a normal game they would have been shut down. In the end it doesn't matter though. We won. WE WON!!! Boy that is a lot more fun to say than "Wasn't it fun when the entire stadium started to cry after our 20th consecutive loss?"

Well I am covered in paint so I better clean up. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:23 PM

painting and pokes

So I actually did it. I convinced my manager here to let me paint! It is going to be so cool! I have a lot of work to do this weekend if I am going to pull it off. I think I will make a page to show you the whole process, so stay tuned for that. The people at Lowe's are awesome. They are wicked friendly. There was this woman who was helping me pick out a roller and a paintbrush. She already made me put my cheap roller back and get a better one, and was about to put the really nice paintbrush in my basket when she just kind of looked at me and said "You know what? I am just going to put this down and walk over there so you can pick what you want." LOL The funny thing was I really did need her help.

Tomorrow may be the start of a dynasty for my Cowboys. Joe Glenn will be leading his players onto the field in what many hope will be the resurgence of Cowboy football. I can't wait! A friend (hey Nate!) told me that even the band is excited. It has grown from just 85 people to a whopping 165 in just a year. Good luck Pokes. Here's to a great season!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:13 PM

temptation island #1

It is finally here. Way more than a year after the last one, my absolute favorite reality TV show is back! My put something about every show every week it is on.

First off, this time around the show is only 2 weeks in real time for the couples. That amounts to only a month and a half or so of new shows. This is actually a good thing in disguise. Last time around they split the couples up for like 2 the end of it they just didn't care anymore. No one got hurt feelings because everyone had abandoned their relationships long before then. This time is going to be great...and it has already started!

Seeing as I don't know names yet, I will do it with descriptions. The guy with the tattoos on his shoulders is all mad at the guy with the big sideburns because he did the fake handshake thing. You know, where you go for the shake and pull back at the last second. Anyway, the guy got real upset (boohoo!) and booted him off the show. Now sideburns guy gets to go on a date with tattoo guy. Take that whiner!

As for me, things are good you know. My own personal cry-baby is taking a vacation from work next week! (If you hate the job so much, why don't you open a hotdog stand retard!) 3 day weekend is upon us. Not sure what I will do. But most likely I will burn some animal meat on the grill. Be good! (Hey Gramps!)

posted by Nick P. @ 10:21 PM


Tonight I decided to take a nice long walk around my apartment complex. This place is enormous!!! I can't tell you how many buildings there are, but it must be around 17 or so. There are all of these little pools and lakes scattered everywhere, not just in my little area. I also found the apartment that they show people. It is ridiculous. The place has very nice furniture and the kitchen and dining room walls are painted this deep red. Now what is up with that? They entice people to come live here by painting the walls, as if you could do that yourself once you moved in. I think I am going to have to go ask about that. I also found the town homes that they have here. From the outside they look really nice, and for $200 less than my buddy from Wyoming is paying for his place out here, you can have 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 level place. (He is getting ripped off, just so you know.)

Anyway, amazing I live right next to all these people, but I really have nothing to do with them. I think I may take a few more walks.

posted by Nick P. @ 9:06 PM

lord of the rings

I rented Lord of the Rings tonight. I have to say that I really enjoyed the second movie much more than the first. The first movie just kind of ended, which pissed me off. The second movie is still left open, but at least it feels like something has been accomplished. I also like this thing Blockbuster is doing. Their latest and greatest release can be rented for $0.99 for one day. That is just cool. 3 hours of quality entertainment for a buck. What a deal.

So you see that thing that says "shout out" below each post now? I wanted to add something to the site so that people could comment, or call me names, or just ridicule me. In any case, all you have to do is click on the little link, type in your comment, and soon enough your own words will be on the web. Make yourself heard!!! Later.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:20 PM

first rehearsal

This choir thing kicks ass! I realized that this group is much like the groups that get awarded Grammy’s for their work. This is like top notch stuff. The people can read their music much better than I can, but it really isn't a big deal. The rehearsal is very professional, but not stressful. I think I am going to like this a lot.

And then there is the music. I forgot how hard it is to sing music for the first time. You have to read the words, read the notes, read the tempo, and take care of dynamics all at the same time. I forgot what repeat symbols do, and all sorts of little words that mean do something. It was a struggle, but really quite fun. Woohoo! Finally I have a reason other than work to stay out in Sacramento...cuz lord knows the gas prices ($2.12) aren't keeping me here. Night!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:16 PM

dog days of summer

So this has occurred to me a few times now, and it is just screwing with my head. School starts in a week and I will be the same thing I have been doing all summer. Summer being over means nothing. Kind of like if you don't have a job, weekends mean nothing. IT'S FREAKING ME OUT MAN!!!

Choir starts tomorrow night though. I am really looking forward to that. I guess I will see who really is in this choir and maybe I can start a social life. Worth a shot. I didn't do much this weekend so I really just don't have much to talk about. Hope yours was more exciting than mine!

Oh, guess what! Temptation Island 3 start Thursday!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:14 PM


It rained! It freaking rained!!! And it was ohhhh so great! I can not wait until the winter when this is a normal occurrence. Coming from Wyoming I am not really used to much rain (though from the sounds of it if I had stayed in Casper a little longer this summer I would have had plenty). Anyways, it put me in a good mood.

So I got a visit from the police department today. Couple things about that incident. 1) I wasn't wearing my belt and let’s just say the shorts are a little loose. Seeing as I am not used to anyone knocking on my door out here, I rushed to it. I turned the knob, and then my shorts fell off. Luckily I hadn't quite opened the door yet. 2) They came here because a car has been vandalized. Well that didn't surprise me; I saw a car that someone had spray painted a couple weeks ago. Turns out that someone threw a rock through the window of that very same car on Sunday, and ripped off the antenna yesterday.

Lesson: Only flip off people you know.

posted by Nick P. @ 9:30 PM

it finally happened

Well it only took a measly 11 weeks. Sitting around for almost one whole summer and I finally got a project, and it is great! Work is so much better when you actually have something to work on. Don't get me wrong, I have been doing stuff, but mostly work that my coworkers would rather not do themselves. I have found that I actually really do like the stuff I am working on, I just had to be given a chance to work on it.

Another thing, go rent "Bowling for Columbine". You may totally disagree with it, or it may ring home with you. If nothing else, it made me think. Oh, and for something that won't make you think check out the funniest show on TV...RENO 911. LOL funny.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:34 PM

my music

I didn't get a post up last night because I was getting all set up to have my own music at the office. There is only so much "White Christmas" a man can take. Seriously, there is one guy in the office who listens to the worst music I have ever heard, and it isn't even country! I can't really place it, but it is right on the lines of Schoolhouse Rock. The move for the new office has been pushed to Oct. 6th now. That really sucks. I think life will be a lot better in the new place, if only for the shorter commute.

So I went and found some headphones and filled up my unused pendisk with some MP3s. Not sure if I can get everything to work, but I will go postal with one more day of that crap. And with that, have a good day!

posted by Nick P. @ 6:46 AM

next kylie?

If they ever get rid of kazaa, I am in a heap of trouble. I am one of many to be sucked into the downloading craze. Ever since freshman year of college I have craved adding new singers to my bulging MP3 collection. Sometimes I find some great new stuff, but most of the time I find loads and loads of crap.

So in order to find new stuff, I often have to go to european music sites. That seems to be the only place I can consistently find new great stuff...without listening to punk (have you heard the punk cover of "Uptown Girl"...don't). Well my new artist is no exception. This music will not make you think...not once. But you will find yourself feeling pretty good, and it doesn't hurt that she is a looker too.

So you heard it here first...check out Sophie Ellis Bextor. Some will like her music, others will like her looks. In any case, I think she rocks. Yeah, she is kind of european happy techno, but that is what I like!!!

One more thing. WE HIT 100 HITS TODAY!!! And I do happen to know who was number 100! So thanks, Pat, for checking out the site!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:06 PM

playing the tourist

This weekend I decided to do the factory tour thing. The Jelly Belly factory is only about 40 miles out of town, so I figured I would go check that out. Couple things about that isn't running on the weekends, and the sugar free jelly beans are high in flavor and laxative qualities. That's right, the warning on the label reads "WARNING: CONSUMPTION MAY CAUSE LAXATIVE EFFECT." There is always some catch isn't there.

After leaving the factory I saw a sign pointing me to an olive oil factory. I went there and did a tasting. Very interesting stuff. Flavored oils and lots of dips. Worth checking out if you ever come out here.

Leaving there I saw a Budweiser factory. 3 major factories were all within 3 miles of eachother. Weird. The Budweiser tour was terrible. I guess I expected copious amounts of drinking with dancing elves. What I got was a bunch of stainless steel tanks. But at least they did give out free samples.

In any case, I took a few pics. Check 'em out here!

posted by Nick P. @ 4:54 PM

say howdy

Today I wrote long e-mails to a whole bunch of people. It was nice actually. Amazing how much time a person can have, and still not keep up with the people they care about. Also, it is hard to get someone to write you unless you write them first. So tonight I urge everyone to get on their e-mail and look for someone in that address book that you have just put off writing to. Takes 5 minutes and I guarantee it will make the person's day! Who knows, they may write back.

Also, I found a blog/website that I am kind of trying to model mine after. It has everything I want. Simple, but catchy layout, interesting entries, and lots of cool personal stuff. Check it out if you get a chance. I have no-idea who this person is, but I am becoming infatuated with her. If you want to see what I am trying to avoid at all costs...check this "special" site out.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Having the opening day of the state fair, along with an admission of $1 for those who make it there before 7pm, happening not 2 blocks from your office does not make a fun Friday drive home. YECH!

posted by Nick P. @ 11:24 PM


So I missed entering something yesterday. Sorry. I was actually out doing something if you can believe it.

Yesterday went from suck to great. Everyone left the office by 11am yesterday, just leaving me and the other new guy to ourselves with nothing to do. That is all fine and dandy, except for the fact that a guy from the main office has been coming over almost every day lately. So we sat around for quite a while and left an hour early.

Then I hooked up with some people at night. We went to the other new guy (Joe)'s friend's place. It was AWESOME! He has an acre of land right in the middle of the city. I couldn't believe it. We sat outside and didn't see one car, not one person. Gave me hope that there is a way to lead a normal life in a city. I shot a BB Gun at a wheelbarrow, drank some suds, and threw a frisbee to one of the most hyper dogs in the world.

Oh, and on another note. Head of State, starring Chris Rock, just kind of sucked. I think there were some parts that were funny, but most of the movie had such poor acting that they couldn't even pull off the jokes. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't something to start taking quotes from either. And with that...later!

posted by Nick P. @ 6:50 AM

big update

So I have been working on my other site a lot lately. I am going for a look a little more unique. Give me a write and tell me what you think of it if you get the chance to check it out. ( Other than that I watched Sliding Doors tonight with Gwyneth Paltro. This is a great movie. I love movies that play with your head so in the end you are just thinking...ow...OW...OW!!! Check it out if you haven't seen it. Sorry for the short update...but you can understand why if you just go visit the other site!


posted by Nick P. @ 10:28 PM

site stuff

Just a couple things I forgot to put in the last entry. My other site will load much faster now for those of you who use dial-up. Someone was kind enough to inform me that the picture took too long to load, so I made it much smaller. Also, I know many of you have not seen the pics of my apartment, so I built a page with them. Just click here. Oh, and some friends of mine did an experiment with a webcam today. Check that out here.

posted by Nick P. @ 8:15 PM

for those of you...

First off, a big hello to Chris and the rest of the Bigfoot Posse as well as Grandma Barbara who stopped by the site!

Alright, I think it is about time for me to tell a tale of complete stupidity that many of you have not heard. I am now 22, and have been driving since I was 15. 7 years or so of driving. In that time I have hit a deer, had a guy hit me trying to turn left, hit a friends car, and got a speeding ticket or two. But one thing I have never done is lock my keys in the car. Not once. I locked my sister's keys in her car once, but that is a different story.

So a few weeks back I went out to Napa to get some wine and enjoy the country. Everything was fine till I came home. I had bought a considerable amount of wine and had it in the seat next to me. Be it as it was 105°F out, I wanted to get into the apartment ASAP. In my haste I grabbed all the wine and jumped out of the car. About 2 steps later I realized something wasn't quite right. As I turned to see the keys dangling from the ignition a thought occurred to me. I am in a brand new city and know absolutely no one. Well after meeting everyone in the apartment complex a nice man who is used to breaking into cars (a former repo guy) was kind enough to help. It sucked, but it was over.

Now you would think that would be the end of this story. So I have this beer that I love. Many will recognize Fat-Tire as my beer of choice. I wrote to the company that makes it in Ft. Collins and found that they distribute in California, but only in small areas. Turns out Napa is one of them. So off I go to Napa one fine evening to get some brew. Again, I get out of the car and take 2 steps when I realize I did it again. I freaking did it again. Immediately the song pops into my head. You know the one. I spent an hour and a half with that song in my head waiting for a tow truck to let me in.

Lesson: Keys before booze...keys before booze...

posted by Nick P. @ 8:07 PM

love found?

So I signed up with one of those online-dating services when I first got out here. I made my profile and tried to sound like a normal guy you know. First off, I think that was the wrong idea. I sound like every other lonely idiot out there. Then they have this thing called "hot-list" where you keep track of someone. The thing is, when you hot-list someone, they know that you did. So I get onto the site today only to find that (gasp) someone hot-listed me!!! Trying not to get too excited I clicked to find out who the love of my life was going to be. It was so much fun to find out it was some idiot from Houston who apparently was too dense to realize he was looking at guys...not girls. Well, it was a big letdown for sure. Who knows, maybe we would have been perfect for eachother...

...or not.

posted by Nick P. @ 5:10 PM


Went and saw a great movie downtown today called "Camp". Pretty much a movie about going to theater camp. You know, something I could actually relate to. Sacramento has this awesome theater downtown called The Crest that just shows independent films. Of all the things I have done out here, it is probably the coolest thing I have come across.

Oh, and a little gripe. For living in California you would think that the produce would be cheaper...seeing as it is grown 20 miles from here. WRONG WRONG WRONG! I think it is more expensive...with pretty much the same stuff. I guess I was expecting the garden of eden. Oh well. Have a good Monday everyone!

posted by Nick P. @ 8:42 PM

ocean water bad for baby

So I got out today and took the drive to the ocean. The traffic was alright (thank God!) Hung out on the beach and got a little color for a change. Driving on Highway 1 is really something else. You can only go about 30 and it feels like you are running your car on a go-cart track. Lot's of fun if you don't die. I have also spent a lot of time working on my Everything Else Nick site. I put up a few pics from my trip today too...which look pretty good so check those out.

Oh, and get this. Apparently on this particular beach I went to you can't touch the water! I went all the way out there and they specifically said I could not touch the water. Then I saw why. There are all these nice beach houses way up on a hill above the beach and they all have these tubes running from them to the ocean. What the heck is up with that??? You can dump stuff right into the ocean? Oh well I guess. I may get some sort of infection though cuz it touched my feet once when I got too close. Talk about living on the edge.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

posted by Nick P. @ 8:04 PM


Well next week at work should be cool. The boss is out for a week. If things go like they have before, that means that the people who come in at 6 and leave at 3 will now come in at 10 and leave at 3. The people who come in at 10 and leave at 7 will just leave at 3 now. And I will be sitting there like an ass cuz you never know when someone from the main office will call only to find out the new guy skipped out early. Oh, and for those Jennifer Lopez haters out there, check this out!

posted by Nick P. @ 8:48 PM

faure's requiem

Don't tell anyone...but choir is cool! Even with people 20-30 years older than me it is cool. So relaxing, so moving, just plain cool. This church we sang in had a brand new, $600,000 organ in it. It was impressive. Made me wonder how they work in the first place. In any case the night was sweet.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:24 PM

a midget, a bodybuilder, a pornographer

Can you believe this governor race in California? I am in the middle of the biggest soap opera in politics right now. Schwarzenegger is running, so is Gary Coleman. Crazy. Meanwhile all the democrats have been saying to stand firm behind Gray Davis, then his second hand man says he is running? Awesome…I love it! Everyday I get up and wonder what incredibly asinine thing is going to happen next in this great state of California. You can count on me voting in what is sure to be the funniest race for governor in history! Gary Coleman…can you freaking believe it???

posted by Nick P. @ 1:15 PM

new people

Looks like some people are checking out my blog. Not that many mind you, but some. Down in the lower left of the page is a little button that will take you to a site that keeps track of several interesting stats about my site. I think it is cool anyway. Well it is about that time to get in my car and make the highly dangerous trip to work! Later. Oh yeah, I have had troubles posting a new blog for some reason. It won't recognize my password sometimes...oh well.

posted by Nick P. @ 6:54 AM

new plan

Alright, I think the best thing that I can do is run my pics and links and stuff off of a different page. See that "Everything Else Nick" link in the upper right? That will take you to some other cool stuff! The prob is I love this blog entry, but I can't do html. That is where geocities comes in. Free and easy as heck to use!


posted by Nick P. @ 9:29 PM

html is hard

Man is html difficult for my little mind to comprehend! Then combine that with this specialty code my blogging program has and I am completely lost. Well it isn't like I have school stuff to do...I got the time. By the way, check out the Bigfoot Posse. Killer stuff there.

posted by Nick P. @ 7:09 PM

Well I took a look around and found out that not a whole lot happened today in history. Someone was put to the chair for the first time ever, and Geri Hallwell of Spice Girls fame was born. yipee. Welcome to the very very beginning of my blog. I figured I might as well catch the blogging trend. Not sure if people will read this, but I figured I am not doing much anyway. I imagine that the site will change looks a lot for at least a little while as I figure out how to run this thing. Stay tuned for more!

posted by Nick P. @ 4:52 PM


Look at me, I am blogging

posted by Nick P. @ 8:53 AM

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