Blodnick's Blog


.:. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME .:. Nick is 22, moving on to Denver, and could not be happier about it!

tis thanksgiving

Well here it is. Thanksgiving is here, which means I have been out here alone for nearly 6 months. It is incredible the time has passed like it has. I have done some incredible things, seen some nice ladies and made a few friends. When my mom left back in June I set the Thanksgiving milestone in my head. I wanted to be established in Sacramento by the time she got back, and just feel like Sacramento was my home. It may not be home yet, but it certainly is growing on me.

I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving! Good luck to everyone on their turkeys, cuz I may need some. Enjoy your time with family and friends. My mom and I are going to be running around at break-neck speed the whole time she is here, which means for the next several days the blog may go empty. Do not fret though, I am not abondoning it, just some things are more important. Be sure to check me out after the break because I am sure I will have lots to tell you all about, and hopefully lots of pictures to share!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 11:28 PM

choir chick

I think it is time I informed everyone about choir chick. Choir chick is the girl who sits in the soprano section and is drop dead gorgeous. Totally unattainable for even the hardest working beefcakes. Let's just say it is tough to watch the conductor when I could watch her watching the conductor instead! What makes her even hotter is the fact that she sits in the middle of a bunch of 70 somethings. She really shines in that crowd! AAAAHHH! It just makes me scream (maybe sing would be more appropriate) just thinking about it.

Whew, glad I got that off my chest. Been watching her for 4 months now and I just could not take it anymore!

As for me, well not a whole heck of a lot. I have a ton of food in my house, but I can not touch any of it until Thursday, which leaves some hotdogs and a pickle.

Oh, and I just want to give a big shout out to Meg for consistently leaving comments for me on my blog. Most people have not even done that once, so it is a pleasure. Maybe if more people would write they would get the honor of being mentioned on their own:) Have a wicked Tueday ya'll!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:05 PM

another weekend

Well this weekend was spent preparing for the Thanksgiving week. I bought a turkey and a ton of fixins. I also did a little cleaning (yawn) and other jazz like that.

I gotta tell you I am at a total loss for something to say tonight. Sorry, call it writer's block. The pokes lost (in both sports). That blows! So let me think. Ahh, here is a link to one of my favorite sites. It can make any day good!

I hope to have something cool and wild to tell you soon. Have a great week everyone!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:42 PM

it's friday, here's five

1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year.
First off I would really like to lose 4 or 5 more pounds by the new year. I would like to be really close to out of credit debt (come on state retirement fund!) Clean the heck out of my bedroom. Do an Irish jig. See a ton of movies.

2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again.
Kyle, where in the heck is that kid. Running the state? Jeff, not sure why we have not talked lately. Probably has another tattoo by now. Dallas, have not talked to him since this summer. Good guy, probably married. Eric, friend from 5th grade who moved to Maine. I always wondered what happened to him. Nicole, heard she did get married. Always liked her though and always curious what she is doing.

3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do.
Speak German fluently. I really would like to learn how to combine the right ingredients together to make dishes on my own. How to force myself to workout regularly. Sleep standing with my eyes open. How to do an Irish Jig.

4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit).
Buy a house in San Francisco right by the bay. Fly out all of my family at once to come hang out with me. Go hang out in Germany til I became fluent. Give a bunch to my friends and family so we could all be happy-go-lucky!

5. List five things you do that help you relax.
Hmmm, talk on IM all the time. Write in my blog. Watch one of my many favorite movies. Call up one of my coolkid friends. Cook like a madman.

Like I said, not a lot going on this weekend. There is still time for that to be proven wrong though. Pokes play this weekend, so here is to them. Have a good one everybody and hopefully I will have some pics for you this weekend.

posted by Nick P. @ 9:16 AM

my gig

The gig was cool. Of course I missed the email saying that the meeting place had changed (darn you UW for cutting me off!) But once I found everyone it was fun. Really reminded me of highschool...only with really old people. It really was a classy event, and if not for the $60 ticket price, I think I would have liked to stay.

We went on stage right after this breakdancing group. They were really good and danced to eminem. Made it kind of awkward when we went up there and sang songs from the sound of music.

Not much more than that happened today. No nudist sightings. The trees out here are unbelievable right now. I think I will take my camera out and start shooting so everyone can see.

posted by Nick P. @ 9:44 PM

so la la

Hey kids. Turned down doing the bar scene tonight. I'm afraid I am just not into doing that with just one other guy. Gag. Nothing like listening to some other dude's lame lines. Here's a good one though, "This boats going to fast. We better make the most of it." Nice line from "An Affair to Remember." Now if only I were on a boat with a lady I would be set!

I am really nervous for that show tomorrow night. There is harmony in this song we are doing and I do not know it and no one is going to teach it to me. Then I have to put on my tux. I ordered the thing when I as bigger, so the pants are really loose. Nothing like being at a big city galla and having your pants fall off in the middle of Edel Weiss!

Be good and have a good day. Oh, and keep reading. I know I will!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:38 PM

kylie? is that you?

So Kylie Minogue came out with a new single and a new video just recently. Video is pretty good, but the song just does not stick with me. It is called "Slow" and I suppose it is supposed to be super sexy. Personally, I think it is a little......wait for it comes........."slow." Har dee har har!

Made what is probably my last batch of pumpkin seeds for this season. Even I can screw up this recipe though. I figured I had it all down and knew how much of what to use. WRONG! Those are the saltiest freaking seeds I have ever made. I used 3 times as much salt as I was supposed to. They still taste good, once you crunch through the thin salty shell!

Ever grow a sideburn on the back of your neck? I gotta get a haircut.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:03 PM

smaller performance

So I was asked to perform in a small choir on Thursday night for the big Best of Sacramento party. It is a black tie affair, so it should be fun. We are singing songs from The Sound of Music. We practiced it real quick after rehearsal this evening and the guy sitting next to me was singing so loud my ear is still ringing. I could not believe it. There are about 2 measures of harmony in that whole piece and I could not even hear myself think, let alone get those few notes right.

Since Keith and Meg were so gracious as to ask for neighbor stories I will give you one. While my nudist neighbor was helping Shane put together some IKEA furniture last week, she casually mentioned that her husband allowed her to have relations with other men. Well, only if he can watch though. How do you react to such a thing? Do you say, "Well okay, you run downstairs and grab him and I will go to the store to pick up necessities." It just blows my mind.

For more details on my recent run ins with the nudist neighbor, keep those comments coming, or ask me to write them to you. Let me tell you, that one is lame compared to the rest!

Good night and have a wicked good week. Someone should anyway.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:17 PM

ho hum...

Pretty boring weekend (sadly). I spent a good part of Saturday putting together more IKEA furniture with my neighbor. I also went and saw School of Rock, which I must say is worth seeing. Though I do not see a reason you HAVE to see it in a theater, but put it on your "must-rent" list.

Oh, I also went to a cool restaurant called FuddRuckers. They make HUGE hamburgers to order. I got a 2/3 pound burger topped with everything they had. They were even Atkins friendly by giving a knife and fork to eat it with. Speaking of which I am down a couple more pounds! I am on my last notch of my belt and may have to go get a new one sometime! Well, it is exciting for me anyway. I think it has been since I was a kid that I actually started to look higher up in the stack of men's pants.

I do have some incredible stories to tell about my nudist neighbor that happened this weekend, though I am not sure it is appropriate for this forum. I will happily change my mind if I get 3 comments asking me to divulge though!

Poor Cowboys. Yay Broncos!

I make good soup.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:27 PM

it's friday, here's five

1. Using one adjective, describe your current living space.

2. Using two adjectives, describe your current employer.
Busy, Friendly

3. Using three adjectives, describe your favorite hobby/pasttime.
Electronic, chat, wordy

4. Using four adjectives, describe your typical day.
sleepy, hungry, worky, hungry, sleepy

5. Using five adjectives, describe your ideal life.
Comfy, warm, expensive, happy, purple

After going to East for Junior High, I think that was the toughest post I have ever had to write. Not much going on this weekend. I am going to a choral concert on Saturday, as for the rest? I might have met someone worth hanging out with, and it’s not a dude from South Carolina. Hehe.

posted by Nick P. @ 8:02 AM

so tired

Forgive me for the short post. Today was really good at work. No hangover or anything. I think I am over my little bout with a cold so all is well.

Lesson: No talking more than one and a half hours at a time with anyone ever.

Friiday Five may be up a little late tomorrow, but it will be ther eventually on friday!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:53 PM

bit of a cold

Oh what to talk about tonight. I had a bit of a cold the past couple of days and I decided to kill it for good with a little Nyquil last night. I slept hard! When I woke up and stumbled around it felt like I had swigged a Fat Tire first thing. I went to work and still had that swagger.

Well my little cold started to act up again so I ran to Walmart to get some Dayquil. Ok, to the makers of Dayquil, just because you make Nyquil orange and does not mean you should be able to write that it is non-drowsy. I spent the rest of my day fighting to keep my head from slamming on the desk. And this was a serious struggle too! Interestingly enough I think I got more done than I ever have. In my Nyquil haze everything just kind of blurred together and papers just kept flying across my desk at record speed.

I am thinking that maybe I should by a jug of it and drink it at work every day!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:01 PM

an open letter to the governor

Dear Gov. Schwarzenegger,

Hey man, congrats on getting into office and all. I am sure you are going to have a lot of fun with that. I must admit it was fun to see you battle your way through Grey Davis and Bustamante. It sure made my summer television viewing a joy.

Also, I really want to thank you for inviting my choir to be a part of the inaugural festivities. I already told everyone I know how generous you were to include us. I really can not tell you how excited I was.

Well maybe I can. When I went to rehearsal on Monday night I was really looking forward to hearing the details of where we would have to meet and what we would have to wear. Stuff like that. Instead I got to find out that you made our choir pre-inauguration entertainment. While disappointed, I still felt that I got to be a part of it. Well low and behold you stabbed us in the back with another dagger. Only 40 people you say? 40 out of 200? Jerk.

So now I am afraid that I must curse you. I expect you to write a personal letter to every family member, coworker, and friend that I told that I would be hanging out with you that you are a lowdown coward and you are personally sorry for getting our hopes up.

Screw you buddy, I hope it rains that day.


P.S. T3 was about as action packed as Kindergarten Cop. Loser.

posted by Nick P. @ 12:59 PM

my weekend...a day late

This weekend was actually a lot of fun. Friday night I grilled up some food (oh yeah, I am loving the nice weather for that!) A couple buddies of mine sat around and played some games. Then we went and checked out the 500 some channels that my neighbor has. He ordered normal cable, but he has had all the movie channels for a week and a half now. Not a bad deal.

Saturday we went out and got Shane's king size bed. Do you know how big a king size bed is? Well it is freaking huge. 6 people could sleep on that bed and never roll over eachother.

That night we went out to Tahoe Joe's. Nothing like California trying to rip off Jackson. They did not even come close. However, they did have Fat Tire on tap. I was pretty excited about that and did not mind the sweet little beer maiden who served it to me either.

Sunday it rained and rained hard, but I was not here for it. I dragged Shane out to IKEA where he proceeded to outspend everything I have spent out there. I was a little jealous, but I think I will live.

Other than that not a whole lot has been going on. I bought a few small items for my place, but nothing to bust the bank. Sorry for posting a little late but I was pooped yesterday. Hope everyone has an awesome week!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 6:09 PM

look it's finally fall!

Well kind of. Most of the trees out here are still completely green, but some are starting to change color. Tell me if the pic takes too long to load and I will make it smaller.

posted by Nick P. @ 3:39 PM

it's friday, here's five

1. What food do you like that most people hate?
Wow, that really is interesting. I think most of the people I know are pretty open about food. I love artichokes and I know some people hate them. I know some people who have issues with mushrooms, but I could not live without them. Ahh, I love steamed cabbage. Oh, and I loved that rubbery patty they called chicken fried steak with the yellow gravy back in junior high.

2. What food do you hate that most people love?
I HATE shrimp. What is a shrimp really other than a sea bug? They look like a bug, they have a shell like a bug, and they have a crunch to them. Anything you have to "de-turd" before you eat it is out of my diet. Gag me. Oh and they smell.

3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?
J-LO. Just the sound of the makes me cringe. I HATE Jennifer Lopez. With that big ugly butt, that pug face, and the aura of crap that surrounds her. Terrible actress, terrible singer, just downright awful everything. Also Madonna. I just do not understand what people see in her 90 year old face.

4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find

Norm from Cheers. What a good looking guy. Comfortable in being big, likes his beer and always has a catchy one liner. Oh wait, a girl maybe? How about Anna Kournikova, I know everyone thinks she is really ugly and most people can not even look at her without puking, but I think there is something special about that one. I guess it is just me though.

5. What popular trend baffles you?
One of the things that has come out recently that I do not understand would have to be those walkie-talkie cellphones. I do not undertand it. There you are with a phone and yet you use it like a walkie talkie and stand there waiting for the person to reply before you talk again. You have a phone in your hand!!! Maybe I am missing the point. Oh, and Tommy Hilfiger. A guy puts a red white and blue tag onto a jean jacket and somehow it is designer clothing. I think it looks awful. Not that my own wardrobe is any good, but a jacket with that HUGE company log on it just looks retarded.

Looks like I am going clubbing in San Fran this weekend if the weather holds. Should be a good time and I will update with my exploits soon. Have a kickin weekend everyone!

posted by Nick P. @ 5:08 AM

good for you

Good for you Gregg. At least one of us is hooking up with the ladies. And a poke fan to boot? Sounds like you found yourself the perfect woman!

How cool would it be if I got to post a pic like that of me someday? Until then I will just keep living vicariously through my friends relationships. Good thing I have cool friends with hot girlfriends!

Again though, way to be Gregg!

posted by Nick P. @ 7:24 PM

matrix 3: a review

The new Matrix flick was, well, how to put this, a mind **** (edited for the older crowd). Either this movie was WAY too smart for me, or there are some HUGE glaring holes in the story. I swear that they did the first movie with no thought for the others because they kind of treat the first one like it never happened. I have some serious questions for anyone else who has seen it.

Of course there were awesome special effects. The cool light glowing that you have seen in the previews is really excellent, as is the attack on the human city. Truly remarkable. But let me tell you, for strict fight seens do yourself a favor and go see Kill Bill.

All in all it was worth my $10 bucks. Wait, that is a lot of freaking money. Go see it at a matinee, or better yet when it hits the cheap seats. Then it will be worth it. Worth seeing in a theater, not necessarily worth seeing it for full price. Though it does give some (and I use that word very loosely) closure.

I like warm socks.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:59 PM

the dmv can lick my...

So I got a call from my mom this morning telling me that she got a letter from the California Highway Patrol. Seems there was a warrant on my car because it was illegally in the state. Be that as it may, they did not have to be such dicks about it.

I ended up missing most of work today trying to take care of my registration and make sure that I got out of the week without a criminal record. I had to get my car "smogged", an emissions test, then I had to go sit at the DMV. I think that DMV's sucking is just universal. My favorite part is people watching, because sooner or later EVERYONE ends up at the DMV. I saw a bald guy with a puzzle tattooed on his head. Cool.

After I got my car registered I figured now would be a good as time as any to get my license as well. Well they made me take a test. That sucks, but I did pass it. For out of state people you could miss 6 out of 36 questions, for in state 3. I missed 4 which was good enough for me.

Then I got to drive 25 miles to the highway patrol office to prove to them that I registered my car so they wouldn't impound it and pursue "criminal and civil proceedings." Pretty much I showed them the paper and they deleted my warrant. My freaking WARRANT!

My question? How in the hell did they know to send the letter to my Mom in Casper?

posted by Nick P. @ 10:15 PM

if you thought the pumpkin seeds made me famous...

Get this! I found out tonight that the Sacramento Choral Society (the choir I am in) will be singing for Governor Schwarzenegger's inauguration! We will be right there in the middle of the media craziness with all the stars and stuff. We will be on national television! And not only that, we get to sing with Vanessa Williams!

Wow, how freaking cool is that? Heck, it might even be an international audience with all of the coverage he gets in Europe from his fans. The inauguration is Monday, November 17th, so be sure to tune in or at leat record it. you never know, you may see my dumb face grinning staring at the back of Vanessa Williams!!!

Wow, that was two paragraphs ending in Vanessa Williams!

Oops, three.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:42 PM

500 hits

Well this happened a few days ago, but I had other stuff to write about. My site hit 500 individual hits! Thanks to all you coolkid readers out there who check out my little site. If anyone is wondering the 500th hit belongs to, it's KEITH! Bravo my friend.

In addition to that milestone, I am now somewhat famous. I submitted my pumpkin seed recipe to cookingloser and it got posted! Now a lot of people have been swinging by the ole blog. Kinda fun you know. The papparazzi are already knocking down my door though.

posted by Nick P. @ 4:38 PM

go pokes!

Ahhhh, it feels so good. The Pokes brought home the bronze boot yesterday for the first time in way too freaking long. In the middle of a blizzard Joe Glenn and his Cowboys took it to the CSU sheep and embarrassed their Heisman Trophy candidate by winning 35-28. For the second time this season the field goal posts came down (actually I think it was just one of them this time.)

And let me be the first to tell you how much it sucked not being there. I endured 4 years of the most miserable, horrific and embarrassing football that anyone had ever seen. But I went to every freaking game. I can count the games I missed on one hand in those 4 years. I was incredibly happy to at least listen to it on the internet though. Not quite as thrilling but I was still getting pretty rowdy yelling at the computer and jumping around when we won. I should have turned my webcam on to record that!

Anyway, a huge win for the Cowboys. A demoralizing loss for the sheep. An entire state of giddy fans.

Go Pokes!

posted by Nick P. @ 8:11 AM

i'm a freak

So I went and bought a few pumpkins the other day. Yeah, those are all sitting in my kitchen. I know, I gotta get a hobby. I think it is going to take me awhile to deal with all of them. I admit it was pretty funny when I brought them all inside and looked at them, so I figured I would share. Haha!

posted by Nick P. @ 7:47 AM

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