Blodnick's Blog


.:. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME .:. Nick is 22, moving on to Denver, and could not be happier about it!

it's friday, here's five

You have just one a million dollars.

1. Who do you call first?

In my frantic button push9ing I would probably call whomever is at the top of my list of numbers. Let's see....oh it looks like Alexa gets the first ring.

2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself?
A plane ticket. To get the hell out of California and go somewhere where a million dollars can actually get you a house.

3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else?
Can it be a joint present? Cuz I would go buy tickets to every grand slam tournament and haul my Mom and I around to see them all. God that would be so cool.

4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom?
Sure, I payback all the money I have begged for over the years to grandparents, parents, and various friends. Oh what the hell, I'll double it too!

5. Do you invest any? If so, how?
Ummm, I think I will let my Mom sort that one out. I would want to spend it and she would want me to save it. Geez, come on, how often do you win a million bucks???

A good looking weekend is ahead of me. Tonight Ken and I are gonna get some gaming going. Then Saturday Shane and I are going to hit a new club, which can be as funny as it is awkward. Sunday is the big superbowl, I really could care less about the teams this year....but come on, its the SUPER BOWL!

posted by Nick P. @ 7:09 AM

i have a friend in the blogiverse!

Just so everyone knows, my good friend Megan (the one who leaves a lot of the comments) now has her very own blog that I helped her get up and running tonight. It is really excellent and I expect some really good posts from her as the days go by.

So guess what? TCU (Texas Christian University) will soon be a player in the MWC. I guess we saw this coming for awhile, but still I think it is really cool. Should throw some things out of whack, and I think we need that now.

And just for something interesting to end the day...a pic of a dead, rotting, exploding whale! Enjoy!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:27 PM


Holy crap! Keith and I happened upon one of the coolest internet thing I think I have ever seen. In a nutshell it allows you and your friends to listen to the same playlist at the same time. Both of you can add music to it and pause it and everything. Not only that but you can change backgrounds and send pictures and another thing called winks, wihich are pretty much animations that appear right on the desktop. If you did not follow that just know I think it is cool....that should be enough!

Good day altogether though. Work was work, home was home, and grey sky in between. I am hoping something cool happens tomorrow, though the 3 degrees thing was pretty exciting for me! God the internet is cool!!!

(On a side note, I am such a friggin nerd!)

posted by Nick P. @ 10:14 PM

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Enough about me, how are you?

posted by Nick P. @ 10:30 PM

singing and stuff

Oh boy did the ladies ever get chewed out tonight. I mean, you have heard of a cheer-ocracy right (thank you Bring it On)? Well there is definitley a sing-ocracy as well. The ladies blew their part tonight and boy did the conductor ever lay into them. Told them how much they suck compared to the guys and how he hopes someday he can have an entire choir that is good, not just the men. Which is really absurd seeing as they did this awesome piece earlier in the night that he was practically swooning over. Ahh good times :)

The Pokes won tonight (finally), so we can all be happy about that. I hear good things happened. But what surprises me most is that Air Force beat Utah and is now 4-0. WTF!! How does a thing like this happen. We are last in the conference and Air Force is not only at the top, but unbeaten after playing the top teams. Amazing. God I love the MWC!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:02 PM

along came polly, but why?

I really did not do much this weekend. I guess I cooked some but that is no big surprise. I did go see Along Caqme Polly with Ben Stiller this weekend. It was alright I suppose. There for a little bit I thought I was going to get to hook up with this really hot girl who sat next to me. But soon enough her buff boyfriend showed up with popcorn. Anyway, if you like Friends I think you will like this movie a lot. Most of you know of my feelings for Friends, so you may understand my feelings toward this movie (not that it was all bad).

I do not get to play on top of hospitals this week, so I am afraid it may be a long one, but at least I will not have to go home at the end of the day with the smell of thousands of bowls of Ramen noodles in my clothes!

Have a good week everyone!

posted by Nick P. @ 7:09 AM

it's friday, here's five...(I cheated)

At this moment, what is your favorite....

Tough call, but the song I can not get enough of right now is the Cardigans - Cloudy Sky. Oh and I am also really into Eisley - Marvelous Things.

Carb Smart Strawberry ice cream. Good God that is the most sinful stuff I have ever had!

3. show?
Another tough one. I like reality stuff such as American Idol and The Simple Life. But in the end I watch more FoodTV than is humanly possible.

4. ....scent?
Shredded pork roast in the crockpot after 12 hours.

5. ....quote?
"6 months ago the world was our oyster, now we are stuck in Sacramento the rest of our lives?"

posted by Nick P. @ 9:24 AM

a sushi story

Ahh another day in California, another day of delicious sushi and sharing the story of my nudist neighbors and the now infamous meatballs. I love having that story, for it inspires some of the best jokes from anyone who hears it.

Also I have to say that I love Moulin Rouge. It has been awhile since I watched it, but what can I say? It is one of a few select movies that gives me chills every single time. Another is The Shawshank Redemption, and most recently A Requiem for a Dream.

Here is some entertainment for you though. Please someone tell me how they did it!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:58 PM

crank crank beep...

crank crank beep, clunk whirrrrrr. Ahh, the sounds of your hardrive crashing at work in the morning. Nothing quite like it I think. I am not even sure of all the things I lost, but I am sure something was important. I have never seen a hardrive crash before, but what a rush as you see your work dissapear before your eyes!

New guy moved in above me. Though I do not think he really lives there. I have heard him go up there twice now. And the only thing he has ever taken up there is a suitcase and a big white bag. You know what that means? I am totally gonna score some pot!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:44 PM

old friends

I was absolutely thrilled to catch up with my college friend Christine this evening. We went for about 8 months without talking to eachother, and frankly it was too long. Interestingly enough she is a contractor now. Simply amazing! Part of me is happy we did not talk for so long because we each had time to get into our own fields and settle in after college. Talking to her made me realize all of the enourmous changes I have gone through in the last 8 months.

In all honesty I wish I would have started this blog the day I got out here, because it was the first 3 months that things changed the fastest. I suppose talking to her also made me miss my good friends back home some more. Oh well, there will always be something to remind me of that.

In other news I am down a couple more pounds. My goal is to be down another 35 by the time I am in Spencer's wedding. That would just be incredible! Oh, and American Idol is funny, just so you are aware.

posted by Nick P. @ 9:09 PM

comedy and butt grabs

The comedy club on Saturday night was a blast. I think I learned a few things about men and women too. Apparently men are pigs, while women have something called a menstrual cycle, which guys do not want. Also, apparently guys do not like their mother in laws. Who knew? Once they got past that typical crap (did you know black people are treated differently by police?) they were actually really funny. It was a little expensive, but a good time was had by all.

Then we went to this bar called Fannie Anne. That was interesting and started off with me going into the womens restroom. On the womens restroom door was a sign that said mens and a finger pointing over to the next door. Vice-versa for the mens door. I got confused and walked right in. But when I did make it to the real restroom a woman came into it, so I did not feel as dumb. Oh, and this drunk woman was grabbing everyone s ass as we walked by. NICE:)

Sunday I did NOTHING. I was so lazy that I got out of bed only to sit on the couch. What a wonderfully lazy day it was! I hope yours was just as laid back.

posted by Nick P. @ 7:38 AM

it's friday, here's five

1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings?
Hmm, all depends on if I am gonna shave or not. But mostly either 6:33 or 6:40.

2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late?
Yeah, but not as late as I used to. I miss waking up just in time to see the sunset. Mostly it is like 8:30 or 9 though.

3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning?
Well sometimes it is put everything in the crockpot. But most of the time its hopping in the shower….and trying not to fall asleep in said shower.

4. How long does it take to get ready for your day?
Start to end, about 30 minutes. Cuz I rule.

5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast?
Hmmm, definitely IHOP. They have the best freaking Omelettes outside of my kitchen!!!

I hope to go to a comedy club this weekend. I think it would be a great time! Shane and I will probably find a bar too, in our quest for our scene. Hopefully someone born in my decade will be at the next place. Have a good one!

posted by Nick P. @ 7:52 AM

oh yeah, it was that good

Oh pork roast, what can I say? You came wrapped in rope. I mixed you with some bbq sauce, and heaven was made. Yummmmm.

Great day at work. I cranked out an incredible Excel spreadsheet that just freaking rocks. Well at least I hope it does. Tomorrow is the big test. I imagine they will be ticked if it does not....seeing as I have like a day and a half into it.

Still have not gotten around to my movie date with Miss Johannson, but I think it will have to happen tomorrow. Been bugging me that I have not gone.

Sorry for the sporadic post. I am having troubles thinking straight tonight. Be good!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:42 PM

i like sunflower seeds

Like I like them a lot. The only real problem with them is that I tend to find the little shells just about everywhere. In the couch cushions, in the refrigerator, and surprisingly enough in my freshly cleaned underwear. Believe me, the surprise was all mine. They really are wonderful though. The ones in the shells force you to slow down when you eat them. You stop eating when the salt has numbed your tongue so much you could not crack another one between your teeth without seriously risking a major tongue bite....and I already have the worst bite you have ever seen.

Work was, well work.

Shredded Pork Roast tomorrow night. Wish me luck!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:41 PM

go pokes plus a review

Well I could not be happier with the start of the season. It sounds like Adams had a hell of a game, and aside from our free-throw shooting it was all pretty good. Makes me happy and brightens my day.

I also had my first review today. That sure was something. I did not get my walking papers though, so I would have to call it a success. Actually it went pretty well. Overall they seemed pleased with my work. I know, surprised the hell out of me too!

Tomorrow night I have a date. You all should be so jealous. That's right, Scarlett and I are going to spend a couple hours together tomorrow night enjoying her latest movie "Girl with a Pearl Earring".Looking forward to it, I will tell you how it goes, but I have a feeling we are gonna hook up. I mean, I might get a 3% raise! How can she turn that down?

posted by Nick P. @ 10:12 PM

i suck at sewing buttons

It is true! I spent about a freaking hour tonight sewing 3 buttons back onto my shirts. I think I need some practice. My thumb is not very happy right now.

Went and checked out the bar scene last night. I am used to having college kids at a bar, not people that could easily fit in with my mother and possibly grandfather. It is one thing to see some young chick grinding against a college jock, a whole other to watch someone's grandma do the same. Gag. In any case I do not think that bar is my scene. I did however check out another one with free chips and salsa. I could not really eat it, but the thought was more than nice. As was the woman who served it.

Have a kickin week. Pokes start the conference season tomorrow night against New Mexico. After the last two games I am not all that optimistic, but being the Poke fan that I am I know we will go undefeated the rest of the season! (I even cringed a little with that one!!!)

posted by Nick P. @ 10:11 PM

scarlett my love

Alright, I left a little blurb about this before, but I feel it is worthy of its own entry. I am seriously in love. I mean look at those lips alone. And the opening scene still leaves me messed up in my head. I shall marry you Scarlett Johannson. Oh yes, I must.


For your viewing pleasure you can view some more of my future wife here:
View Image #1

View Image #2

View Image #3

posted by Nick P. @ 6:12 PM

it's friday, here's five

What's something you are looking forward to....

Coming Home and playing more Prince of Persia. Hopefully I get to leave work early too!

2. ....over the next week?
hmm, I suppose that my friends will get back from college break and will get on AOL again soon.

3. ....this year?
Definitley getting out of this apartment and into a house. I am more excited about that than anything right now.

4. ....over the next five years?
Ohhh, getting my PE and seeing what I can really do. Also, hopefully in 5 years I will have a whole bunch of this cooking that stuff.

5. ....for the rest of your life?
Oh give me a break, so much to look forward to, I just hope I get to live long enough to do it all!

Not a lot going on this weekend, but that is only for now. I am sure I will find something worthwhile to talk about. Until then have a wicked good weekend everyone!

posted by Nick P. @ 7:12 AM

it fell through

Well things with the house fell through for now. All because we got stuck on the lease. I offered a GOOD deal of money to buyout my apartment lease (the full amount I would have saved in the 6 month period before my lease came up), but still no. So I suppose I will save a few bucks before now and the end of May and buy a recliner that I have been desperatly wanting since I got here!

Things are going fantastic for some reason! Everything I have been cooking has come out incredible, I finally started to find new music again tonight, and other than the house things seem just right. Even work has been productive and not stressful. Oh, and since I had company last night for a dinner party (I guess you could call it) my apartment is stellar. Oh, I went downtown this weekend and saw Lost in Translation starraing Bill Murray and Scarlett Johannsen. It was really really good. And Scarlett is just amazing. I think I have a new crush! What do YOU think?

posted by Nick P. @ 11:01 PM

oh my gosh!

Well I have some potentially really exciting news, but I do not want to jinx it by talking about it right now! In any case it will be tough to sleep tonight.

The weekend was great and much needed. I cooked a lot and really made some fantastic meals. I think I am going to make a little site on the side here for all my cooking stuff. Let me know what you think. I watched a couple movies, including American Wedding. That movie left a vile taste in my mouth. First off it was nothing like the other Pie movies, and I have not heard the F-bomb so much since I rented House Party. Dumb dumb dumb. But if you feel like renting it be my guest. I think I will have to watch the other movies again just to see if I still like them, cuz this one was sorry.

I hope you all have a good week, things are going well out here and I hope to let you all in on the news soon!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:17 PM

it's friday, here's five

Due to what I would consider an overwhelming response (both my readers chimed in) I am continuing the Friday Five. Read it or do not, either way it is sticking around.

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
Easily that would have to be graduating and getting a job. Also I really got very far into SSX 3. Very proud of that!

2. What was your biggest disappointment?
Hmmm, I had to give my cat back. That was the saddest thing. I really have not been too disappointed this past year.

3. What do you hope the new year brings?
Lots of things, everything! This is the year I start taking cooking seriously. Maybe a new apartment, who really knows! A lot to look forward to though.

4. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? If yes, what will they be?
Oh sure, the normal one about losing weight and all. Oh, and to write emails within a week of receiving one. I am terrible about that.

5. What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
Ummm, well that is kind of past. I roasted a chicken (yum) and fell sleep before midnight. Too much partying in Wyoming I suppose.

posted by Nick P. @ 8:09 AM

happy new year's!

And what a New Year's it was! I spent most of the day sitting around without power because of a wicked cool storm that blew through here. I must say when it wants to come down out here it freaking can.

Well due to a conversation I had with some folks back in Casper, I will be retiring one of my favorite things to do, but apparently not so fun to read. The Friday Five, unless I hear something else to change my mind, is going to be retired. I know, a big tear for me, but I am sure some of you will be jumping up and down.

I hope to fill you in on everything soon, but I have a lot of unpacking, cleaning and just plain fun to have for a little.


posted by Nick P. @ 11:15 PM

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