Blodnick's Blog


.:. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME .:. Nick is 22, moving on to Denver, and could not be happier about it!

movies bonanza

How many movies did I watch this weekend? Let me see believe the total comes to five....and here is what I think. Strap in.

Pieces of April - I really wanted to go see this movie when it was playing down at the Crest. I never made it though and it just came out on DVD. This movie was about a daughter trying to reconcile with her family before her mother died. Great movie. I enjoyed every minute.

Thirteen - A movie of what I thought was about how hard Junior High can be. Look, Jr. High was rough but this is insane. Drugs, sex and stealing. The lead girl goes absolutely nuts. Great movie:)

Broken Lizard's Club Dread - Did you like Super Troppers? If so this one is right on the same lines with the same actors. Funny, but no need to see it in the theater.

L'Auberge Espagnole - With my favorite Audrey Tatou. About a guy from France who moves to Spain for a year to go to school and ends up living with 7 strangers in an apartment who are all from different European countries. Best movie I watched all weekend. It is subtitled, but well worth the read. (Funny: When I rented this the lady at the counter asked if I was okay with subtitles. As if I might come running back pissed that I had to read. They must deal with some real winners!!!)

Joe Dirt - HEHE! Love that Joe dirt. White trash at its finest!

Finished it all off with the Academy Awards. I was happy with the results, but I wish Bill Murray would have won for best actor. He should have won it for Groundhog day as well.

posted by Nick P. @ 9:30 PM

i figured something new out!

Well I just figured out how to post video on the web. Aren't you people just the luckiest in the whole world!

A few things though, you need to have quicktime installed on your computer and you need a decent connection (sorry you have a friend with a fast connection to the internet?)

So here it is, the my first personal video posted on the net. I took this vid when Shane and I went to San Fran. On top of this parking garage (that cost a small fortune to park in) was one of the best views of the city I had ever seen. The file is a couple of megs(hehe "Megs"), so give it a little bit before it starts!

posted by Nick P. @ 3:50 PM

it's grrrrreeat!

Work is a bear....screw it.

I gotta tell you, I have a wicked craving for Frosted Flakes right now. Like really really bad. Tempted to go get a small box and eat it all right now.

Ya see Tony the Tiger and I go back a long ways. He was so much better than all the other jokers out there. Capn Crunch was only good with Crunchberries, but even then it tore at the roof of your mouth so bad it was hardly worth it. Lucky Charms were really really good, until you ate all the marshmallows and all you had left were soggy little cardboard pieces floating in milk. I never really was into Fruity Pebbles or Cocoa Pebbles, though I did like the commercials, and Trix were gag-worthy.

A personal favorite would have to be Cinnamon toast crunch, but even that would get soggy in about a minute. Nope, for me it was always Tony. My Grandpa always had a box of it sitting in the cupboard. I always thought it was there just for me, but I think it is all my Grandpa ever ate too. But the best part of it, was that awesome sweet milk you got to slurp at the end.

....I think I may have to take a day off the diet :)

posted by Nick P. @ 9:11 PM

and the rain doth cometh

Holy crap! It is raining like I have never really seen before. The wind is blowing fairly hard (hey 35mph out here is like a hurricane) and they expect us to get at least an inch today and more tomorrow. What a storm! All my windows are whistling with the wind, a sound I had quite honestly forgotten about. That whistling is always in the background in good ole Wyoming.

In any case, I think I am gonna use the umbrella.

posted by Nick P. @ 7:12 AM

quick one

Hey, sorry for the missed post, but I was up watching the Pokes. Good freaking lord! Well I am not gonna knock them, but next year had better be a little better than this. Gag me.

I almost forgot that I have a big concert coming up in a couple of weeks. The music we are doing is really pretty awesome. I hated one of the pieces all the way up until last night when it finally came I think I prefer it.

That is all I have for now. Have a good day though chillins!

posted by Nick P. @ 7:11 AM

ho-hum, just the way i like it

Nice and boring weekend foir myself. Well I went and saw Eurotrip on Friday (freaking hilarious...want proof? Click here!)

Saturday went and hit a bucket of balls. Surprisingly I suck at golf nearly as much as I always have. So to make up for it I went and bought a golfing game that takes little to no actual golfing skill. Hit the ball far and put it in the hole. So simple!

Pokes lost this weekend. Sigh. Well tomorrow night they are playing on ESPN though, so I will actually get to watch them for a change. I am going to encourage other people to watch it too, but do it as a Poke fan, not to knock em. That is too easy right now, and no-one likes a hater.

Well have a good week and all. Mine is looking fairly normal. Only a few more weeks till my big trip. Always fun to have something to look forward too! Have a good week everyone!

posted by Nick P. @ 8:44 PM

skipping the friday five this week

posted by Nick P. @ 4:43 PM

dear panda express,

Why do you taunt me so? I see you around on most every corner out here. Your cute little panda taunting me into coming in and enjoying your food.

Which brings me to your orange chicken. Let me tell you something about that. I have done some extensive research and found the only way you could make the stuff more addicting is if you doubled the amount of crack already in it. Good god Panda, you are destroying people with your sweet orangey goodness. Can you not see what you are doing to me?

So lets make a deal. You go ahead and keep making your delicious drool worthy chicken, but at least put a surgeons general warning on the stuff....cuz I'm gonna have to get a patch to get off the it.

P.S. If you want to see some pictures we took last weekend, Panda, then just go here.

posted by Nick P. @ 9:17 PM

quack attack!

Wow it is freaking pooring outside right now. And for the first time since I have been in California I felt the wind. Beautiful blowing wind. Well a slight breeze in Wyoming terms, but a wind nonetheless.

Okay, so I stopped writing and went out and played in the rain. The ducks are so freaking cool! I do not know if it was some kind of mating ritual or what, but I think the ducks were playing Marco Polo. All the ducks would kinda swim around, then all of a sudden one of them would fly out of the water chasing them. Then they would all dive into the water and swim under the surface and pop up aways away. HAHA! This went on and on and on. I would have grabbed my camera if it were not so freaking dark out.

posted by Nick P. @ 9:57 PM

go pokes, oh yeah

Oh yeah, pulled the win against the Utes tonight. From what I heard we had a pretty good game, and I will take that. I also saw that AirForce lost to some Texas team 37-35. For some perspective, the halftime score of the Wyoming/Utah game was 35-30. God that had to be a dull game to be at.

I had a really good time with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins this afternoon. Well after I somehow managed to turn off the oven when I was cooking my roast things went well. And finally I do not have a pile of Christmas presents sitting by my TV (and they have been there since November).

Sadly I must go back to work tomorrow....sigh. Hopefully it is a nice quick week. I need about 3 of those so I can get on my plane to Denver! Night Ya'll.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:20 PM

clean clean clean

Ahhh, got a major cleaning out of the way today. I cleaned things that have probably never been toucched before. Now my place does not have that peculiar funk that has been looming in it for some time now.

My trip to San Francisco was really great. First off we went to the Jelly Belly factory and the olive oil place to stock up on some goodies. Then it was off to the pier. Ah the pier, so full of people you can barely breath. We ate at a fantastic little restaurant though. I had some red snapper with this incredible sauce of artichokes and capers. Drool. It was also overlooking the bay and a bunch of yachts. Very keen.

Then we hauled off to all of the other fun little sights on the pier, and enjoyed the typical entertaining bums.

Tomorrow I have a day off (yay for presidents) and my relatives will be coming up from Livermore. Looking forward to that. So if you are at work reading this, so sorry. I will be kickin it!

posted by Nick P. @ 6:39 PM

it's friday, here's five

The friday five this week was a little too deep for me, so I picked an old one that is not deep at all.

1. What brand of toothpaste do you use?
Crest fresh herbal mint. Yum.

2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer?
Charmin of course. It has to be squeezably soft!

3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear?
Well the shoes I wear to work are Clarks, bit I love nothing more than a pair of plastic adidas sandals....though everyone hates when I wear them.

4. What brand of soda do you drink?
PEPSI. Coke just does not even come close to the crisp quality taste of PEPSI.

5. What brand of gum do you chew?
hmmm, well growing up I always chewed cinnamon Dentyne because my Grandpa was trying to stop smoking his pipe, so he always had a pack on him.

Hope those of you who celebrate mandatory gift buying for significant other day have a good time with that. Me? Heading to the city and kickin back. Later!

posted by Nick P. @ 7:14 AM


In my quest to see all the movies people have talked about through the years, but I have never seen, I rented Trainspotting. A young Ewan Macgregor stars in this drug filled flick. In any case it seems like most of the movies people talk about are all about drugs. For instance, Requiem for a Dream. Totally screwed up druggy movie....and it was awesome.

Today was the best of days. It is interesting to me how I can feel like everything is going just fine, when really I am stressed out of my mind. That job was screwing me up, because today I felt a great weight was gone. Work was just work, not this grinding cranking scream fest. It really felt good just to get that damn job out the door.

I am also just totally taken aback by the surprise of having Monday off. What incredible timing!
I can not ever remember having presidents day off in my life. Well no complaining here. I know I for one will be celebrating in the joy of some dead presidents birthday all day long!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:58 PM

it's over

And did you also know that I get this coming Monday off? Holy crap I had totally forgotten about that. It could not have come at a better time either. I think I will go to the big city this weekend and hopefully take a picture or two for all you cool peeps.

The big push to get the BIG project is finaly over. The verdict? An okay job with lots of little problems. Good thing it is not for building yet, just a progress set. Always feels good to get a big one out the door. Now I can start working on the job I like again. The one that is mine!

I bought my ticket for springbreak today. Well not bought exactly, but used my voucher towards my free ticket. Now we have a place in Albuquerque for the night (thanks a lot know who you are) and 3 nights in Vegas. Now we just have to figure the rest of it out. Hope ya'll are doing goodly tonight!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 8:46 PM

one reason I like cali

I love these goofy things running around everywhere. In the pools, on my porch. They hate it when you chase them too! Not a lot going on right now so I thought I would try to brighten everyone's day with a picture of my favorite neighborhood ducks. They make me laugh and I figured they could do the same for you.

I am almost in the clear at work now, so a lot of laziness for a couple days is certain to ensue. I wonder what I could do with all that time to lay around?

posted by Nick P. @ 7:13 AM

winding down

Well work has been a bear for about 2 weeks now. The job goes out on Wednesday, so hopefully I just have one more day of work I would deem about as hard as college, the week before finals.

Things are going well aside from that though. It seems spring break plans are coming along well. Other than that I desperately need to clean my place. Any volunteers?

posted by Nick P. @ 7:12 AM

olives and wine

Well aside from my incredible Saturday at work (gag) it was an okay weekend. Today I drove out to Sonoma for a bunch of cooking demonstrations using olives and a ton of wine tasting. It was a lot of fun, and totally free.

I tasted some excellent food and learned all about this raw food diet. Nothing can be brought to a temperature over 105F....which when you think about it is about as hot as your shower in the morning. Not a lot you can do with that. It is also vegan. No meat, no cheese. Pretty much you can have veggies and nuts, but not cooked.

In any case the Sonoma valley is a beautiful place and I think I prefer it to Napa. I hope to haul some of you out there somtime. Until then though, have a good week.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:24 PM

it's friday(sorta), here's five

1. Where are you right now?
Sitting at home in my underwear and a tshirt on a Saturday night. Ah bachelor life...think I should have a beer.

2. What have you lost recently?
My enthusiasm at the workplace. To many hours can do that to a man.

3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now?
I bought 2 at the same time. I walked into the Laramie Walmart, the old one, walked straight to the comedy section and grabbed Simpson Sing the Blues. To this day one of the best Simpsons related blues albums. I also walked over and grabbed Ace of Base. Oh yeah, must have listened to "I Saw the Sign" about a hundred times that day.

4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen?
No pen, they all suck. Give me the fanciest mechanical pencil you can find, but give me a plastic BIC if I have to use a pen.

5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip....nuff' said.

posted by Nick P. @ 9:07 PM

another weekend at work

How does this crap happen to me? I do everything in my power to avoid having to put in this extra time, and yet this will be the seond weekend in a row I have been asked to help out. And it is kinda funny cuz my boss asks me in the most shy way.

How it really went....
Boss:So uh, do you think maybe, uh, you know, you could put some, um, time in this weekend and help out a little? Please?
Me:Sure, no problem.
Boss:Oh thanks so much!
Me:Yeah, no problem.

How it went in my head
Boss:So uh, do you think maybe, uh, you know, you could put some, um, time in this weekend and help out a little? Please?
Me(while hurling paper weight at his head):Like HELL!
Me(standing over him....sharpened pencils in stabbing position):See you on Monday Biatch!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:42 PM

darn you frontier

Well I found out that I can not use my cool free flight voucher for one of my friends. Bummer. In that case it looks like I will be hanging out in the south for a week. Well hopefully anyway. I am just looking forward to getting out of SacTown again. It is a fine place...but the little apartment is bugging me out.

Alright day I suppose. Nothing fantastic happening in y neck of the woods, but Megan has some interesting stuff going on her her little life right now. Good reading for sure.

In other news Tim Henry left the Pokes. Sad, I know. He really had the talent to be our big leader, our Bailey. I suppose the calling back to Utah was just to strong for one man to handle. Oh, and I did not go to that meeting. No I will not get fired, it was just a suggestion anyway. But $26 for a plate of food that I can not even eat (lasagne?) gie me a break. Be good yall!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:53 PM

still good stuff

I have to admit I am really enjoying the new season of American Idol. I think the that the talent is already a lot better, as well as a bit better looking. Last season was great, but I will be the first to admit that the look just was not there. Hey, I am only 22 still, I think you have to be 23 before you can stop gushing about this kind of stuff!

I am working on some spring break plans. Hopping on a plane and heading to Cancun for a week sure sounds tempting, but I think something a little less dramatic will do. I would not want to scar any college kids memory of their spring break with the white blob that is me in a bathing suit. You are so welcome for the visual too!

Tomorrow night I am going to my first professional society meeting. Gag me. Just a bunch of the same nerds I work with day in and day out playing themselves up like we are something better than everyone else. But my boss requests that I participate, so I will. No need in losing my job over a free dinner!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:14 PM

coming up short

Well it is a typical monday, so I frankly do not have a whole lot interesting to say. I ditched choir a little early, naughty me.

So to fill in for my lack of talking I searched for something cool....and this is all I could find.

Okay, so maybe it is not THAT cool, but it does a kill a little time! Have a good one!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:51 PM

super sunday

Well that game started off as one of the most boring I have ever seen. This includes the infamous 49ers slaughter of my beloved Broncos. But in the end it turned into a fairly entertaining game.

So I guess the big question is which commercial was your favorite. For me I think it would have to be the Bud Light commerical where the couple is riding in a horse drawn carriage. The woman is holding a candle and then the horse farts. Ahh a classic for sure. Farting in general is funny, animals farting is better, but setting a fart on fire is the upper crust of fart jokes! There was also a Mastercard commercial featuring the Simpsons that I rather enjoyed. How about you?

Also, I missed it and I simply wish I had not, but did anyone actually see Janet Jacksons boob during the halftime show. I mean CBS issued an apology for it, so it must have been noticeable. Dang I wish I would have watched it now!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:13 PM

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