Blodnick's Blog


.:. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME .:. Nick is 22, moving on to Denver, and could not be happier about it!


Sorry for the poorly updated blog this week. Just been lost in thought and worries I suppose.

I tried and tried and tried again to buy an iPod mini last night and today. I called every electronic store in town and looked all over the internet. Apparently they are sold out EVERYWHERE!

Not wanting to be denied a cool new gadget that I had ramped myself up for, I decided that I would just buy a normal iPod. so off I went during lunch hour to spend my hard earned (read money I got for having my stereo stolen) money. I got to my local BestBuy only to be talked out of it by the sales guy. And boy did he ever sell how well I should not get it. Frankly, if he was half as good at selling something as he was talking people out of stuff he would make a mint on commision.

So in the end no iPod for least not yet!!!!

Oh, and on a side note. Like an idiot I used up every single minute I have on my cell a week before it resets. So forget about talking to me during the day (before 9 Pacific Time). I will try and call when I can until next Thursday though!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:24 PM

yo yo yo

Not a crazy weekend by any means. Just a lot of decision making.

I really would like to talk about what is going on with me right, but I just do not think that now is the time or place to do it. Give me until next Sunday tholugh and I will be happy to fill everyone in.

I did manage to get addicted to a new game this weekend though called ZUMA. I hope you do not get as addicted to it as I did though. I also hope to hear from people who kinda stopped talking this week.


posted by Nick P. @ 10:07 PM

it's friday, here's five

At this moment, what is your favorite...

I have a couple. Nerd - She Wants to Move and Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps.

Ummm, I kind of like everything. Last night for instance I grilled eggplant, sliced REAL mozzeralla cheese on top of it, then coated it with a dollop of olive oil and some balsamic vinegar. Finish off with just a touch of basil and I was set.

3. show?
Well I was into American Idol, but I have missed it twice in a row already. Same with Surviuvor, so the winner goes to Chappelle's Show.

4. ...scent?
Febreeze. That is the stuff of Gods.

5. ...quote?
"What did the five fingers say to the face? SLAP!" - Dave Chappelle as Rick James. Lots of levels of meaning in that one.

posted by Nick P. @ 7:10 AM

oh man have I been busy

Here is a nice little pic site I put together of all the cool places we ate and all the stuff we imbibed. Oh yeah, this is the one you do not want to miss. I am not the best programmer in the world, so I suggest looking at the page full screen. Hopefully you will not have to scroll around too much.

And with that, I am out for the night. Later.

posted by Nick P. @ 7:18 PM

a lot going on

And I really do not know what to do about it. I do not want to say much about it right now, but there could be some major changes very soon for me.

Aside from that though not a lot is going on. Just reminiscing about the time I was in Vegas and I bought a 60 oz beer in the shape of a football on St. Patricks day. Good lord that was a good time! Then going to the Rio afterwards and having an old man tell me I should spend my money on liquor, not the tables cuz at least the licuor can give me a kick.

And just because I have not been in the best mood as of late, I decided to go ahead and post one of my favorite pictures from our trip, so click here when you get a chance. It is a pic of us eating at the House of Blues in what became our favorite Casino, Mandalay Bay.

posted by Nick P. @ 10:33 PM

another one dead

So I managed to kill yet another mouse while I was gone. I think it must have died recently though cuz it did not smell too rotten.

Work freaking sucks. I gotta say that if there were a way to just chill out the rest of my life I think I would have to give it a shot. When I walked in the door at the office today I think I aged 20 years in an instant. I was a cool college kid for a week. I get back here and I am a dusty old engineer sitting in a cubicle piled with crap that needed to be done while I was gone.

But enough complaining. And with nothing else to say that is not a complaint tonight, I say sleep well!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:46 PM

back in sac

Sac town is not home. Everytime I leave and come back I remember that. It will have to do for now.

Good flight, terrible shuttle pickup to express lot.

Miss my friends already.

Night all!

posted by Nick P. @ 11:58 PM

back from break

So I had an incredible time on my trip. We did more things than I can even attempt to talk about right now. I hope sometime in the next week to post a mess of pictures as well as a brief synopsis of all the cool places that we went to.

And let me tell you about the food. Ohhh the food. From the Chiule Rellenos with Pat, to the Chicken Fried Steak with Megs Aunt, all the way to the habenero sauce on my strip steak....things were good. Very good. Hell, I even had some El Conquistador today to go along with the Grande Avenue Pizza. A great trip indeed.

Oh, and just to make you all jealous....even through all that I still managed to lose a pound. Suckers!!!!

Vegas was the best it has been since the very first trip we took....and that is saying a lot because I play that up as my best trip ever. Oh, and my hair held up beautifully.

Now I am going to be busy for a little bt when I get back, so bear with me for a couple of days while I try and get things in order.....but be certain that I will be back with a great update very very soon.

Take care kids!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 11:21 PM


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posted by Nick P. @ 10:30 AM

in new mexico

Hanging out in New Mexico with Pat. Killer time and even better chile rellonos. Good trip so far!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:04 PM

here's the game plan

Ok, just so everyone knows, this is kind of where I will be. Saturday I will be staying in Albuquerque with Pat. Sunday I will be staying in Tucson with Megans family. Monday it will be Phoenix with some friends of Keiths fam. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I will be in Vegas. Friday we will stop in Utah and stay with Keiths grandparents. Saturday we will get into Laramie and stay there. Sunday I get taken to the airport and fly on back.

It is gonna be so nuts but I could not be more excited about it. If you must get ahold of me call my cell phone. I will not be taking it, but I will leave you a number that you can use to find me.

I will also be posting an audio blog at some point during the week. I have 1 free audio post that I can put up, so I will try and save it for something really cool.

And with that I bid you all adieu! Be sure to tune in a couple times next week and for sure next Monday! Be good kids!!!!! Viva Las Vegas!!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:20 PM

it's friday, here's five

1. What was the last song you heard?“Fell in Love with Boy” – Joss Stone. A good cover of a White Stripes song from a couple years ago. I like it. Jazzy and seductive.

2. What were the last two movies you saw?

That ultimate turbo Passion of Christ to the extreme. Oh and I rented Matchstick Men. Good flick, never did like Nicholas Cage that much though.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Hmmm, sunflower seeds for the trip, some shirts for the trip, and I paid for a parking ticket.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
Party Party Party Party! God I can not wait!

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
In order:
Keith Dog
Officer something
Yo Yo Ma
The IT guy cuz another harddrive crashed. If we spent more than 3 bucks on one we would not have this problem!!!!

More tonight....

posted by Nick P. @ 7:58 AM

sorry, its short

hehe, funny title. Anyway, got caught up in getting ready for the BIG TRIP and did not get to this until late. I promise a good post tomorrow befopre I leave. I am also going to experiment with an audio blog where I can call in a blog and it will put it on the site for me. then you can just download the file and listen to my drunk voice screaming about some roll of quarters I just won.

Pokes lost. Whatever. Next year.

P.S. Not that I would ever get drunk (Hey grandpa, mom, cousins :) )

posted by Nick P. @ 11:29 PM

thanks for the support

Thanks for the kind words everyone. The car thing was very disheartening, but its not the end of the world. Not like a lost a leg or anything, just cool tunes. If nothing else I feel violated, and not in the good way. Now I am going to be looking at all my neighbors with a hint of "you took it!"

The people at work were pretty cool about it too. They told me some people I should call to make sure everything is square and I should not have anything to worry about from now. At the very least there is nothing worth stealing in my car anymore.

2 more days till I am out on the road. Could not be looking more forward to that. No matter what happens, I will have a great time on that trip. I get to see Pat, hang out in Arizona, and spend 3 beautiful days in Vegas. And this time I am going to go in Paris...dammit!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:32 PM

bunch of heathens!

Yup, so the inevitable finally happened. I woke up this morning, did my new do (and it is cool), ate my breakfast and headed out to the car. The first thing I noticed was one of my highlighters lying on the ground. Thinking how odd it was for me to have dropped that I noticed my door was unlocked. Crap, I left it unlocked. I looked in the window and sure enough the car had exploded inside. Well they managed to get the stereo out while only messing up everything else.

Now as I drove to work I felt bad because I thought I had left the door unlocked. I mean, if I did that then this is all my dumb fault anyway. I felt worse about that than having my stereo stolen. When I got to work I made sure to lock my car door by pushing down the electronic locks. Funny, it does not work anymore. I looked at the keyhole and low and behold they had broken in. Yup, someone used a screwdriver and a hammer and busted my lock out.

2 things strike me about this incident. 1 is that they stole my choir folder. Good Lord, I do not even want that music right now! The other is that while my car was parked downtown most all weekend in shady parking lots and crummy neighborhoods. But it took my security-patrolled apartment complex with full lighting for it to get stolen.

But my hair looks nice.

posted by Nick P. @ 8:51 AM

oh yeah, looking sexy

Went and got a haircut today and I let them just kind of do what needed to be done. It hink I look about 10 years younger now. Seeing as I looked 32, that is a good thing.

So many stupid computer problems tonight I can not even start explaining it. Stupid new computers and getting them to run just right. Oh well I suppose, gave me something to do tonight.

Lots of cleaning and packing for the next couple of days. Getting stoked!

Oh and the weather out here has been incredible. It got up to 84 today. That is just amazing. Not even sure how to react to it. It is the beginning of March and I turned on my air conditioner tonight. NUTS!

posted by Nick P. @ 11:17 PM


Sorry for the little post, I ended up spending a chunk of the evening making a new blog for another friend. Well a friend of a friend anyway. Check it out here. I promise more tomorrow about me though!

posted by Nick P. @ 11:10 PM

pretty nice weekend

The choir concert was excellent and made me remember why I decided to join it in the first place. We sang so well, the audience clapped and clapped, and the orchestra was worth just hearing alone without singing. Now I am not saying they are worth 74k to listen to them, but it was nice all the same. Oh, and I talked to the girl I like (the one who blows my mind when she sings in French.) Pretty exciting stuff really.

Today I went and bought some stuff for the Vegas trip that is coming up ohhhh so shortly! I also went and hung out with Jesus at the movie theater. It really was a good movie, and I am told stays very close to the scriptures, which is a good thing. I hope I am not spoiling it but....he dies at the end. Sorry. No worries though, he rises 3 days later.

Well have a good week everyone. I am sure mine will poke along real slowly with all the excitement of flying back to Denver and heading out on the road. Maybe that means I will post more, but maybe not. Be good ya'll!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:26 PM

it's friday, here's five

What was....

1. ....your first grade teacher's name?

Boy that is tough, I think it was Mrs. Hill though. Evil woman at that. I remember I had a bloody nose and had to run to the nurse. When I got back I was in a ton of trouble for leaving. Dude, that was a lot of blood!

2. ....your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
Easily it was least when I was little. As I grew up though it switched to Tiny Toons and eventually Animaniacs. Also a big fan of 2 Stupid Dogs.

3. ....the name of your very first best friend?
I would have to say Ryan Meador. Funny thing is we lost touch for years and the one day I was talking to this guy in the computer lab in college and it was him. Same major as me even....just a year behind. Nuts.

4. ....your favorite breakfast cereal?
Refer to post from about a week ago.

5. ....your favorite thing to do after school?
I can really only remember two things. I watched a lot of cartoons when I got home and I liked to experiment in the kitchen. I never made much of anything good, but I was always trying!

Have a good weekend all!

posted by Nick P. @ 2:33 PM

hey all!

This is my first post from my new computer! It just looks so much better, huh? Well maybe you can not see the results, and maybe I can not either...but it is cool anyway. The new computer also explains my absence from a post yesterday. After a multitude of problems (mostly caused by myself) I am up and running again and at a new blazing speed.

And to make things worse there will not be much posted in the next couple of days. You see choir owns me for the next 2 days. I love choir, I love singing, but taking up the next 2 days in rehearsal just bugs the hell out of me. And I found out that we pay the orchestra $72,000 to play with us for each concert! That is a heck of a lot of money! I say we do all accapella pieces and be done with it.

But I do have the big trip to look forward to! And it is just around the corner. Next Saturday I will be hauling my butt out of bed at 4am to go get on a plane to Denver! Woohoo! Oh crap, what if do not wake up in time!!!??? I think I will have to make my grandparents and mom call me, they are always up then. CAN NOT WAIT!

posted by Nick P. @ 8:51 PM


So even though all of you have told me a hundred times, "Nick no need to bother will not do you a bit of good." I went ahead and did it anyway. Now before you all get into how exercising hurting more than helping, especially in the long run what with disease and all let me tell you why I did it.

I was bored.

Thats right, I was bored so I decided to exercise rather than take the more healthy avenue of eating more ice-cream. Do not fret though, I will have to gain a lot of calories back after 30 minutes on the stair machine, and I will definitely have some time to let my muscles go back into atrophy....I promise!

....well maybe not right away. It was kinda fun.

posted by Nick P. @ 8:41 PM

choir galore

Lots and lots and lots of choir this week. I have the normal Monday rehearsal, the Friday rehearsal, the Saturday rehearsal, and the Saturday concert. I suppose it will keep me good an occupied instead of sitting around thinking about the trip. Makes time go a little faster I hope.

In any case, wish me luck! I have to go into downtown Sac a lot this week, which really is not a joy ride!

posted by Nick P. @ 6:01 PM

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