Blodnick's Blog


.:. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ME .:. Nick is 22, moving on to Denver, and could not be happier about it!

packed me things...

...Im ready to go!

Yup, things are packed, and stacked. Floors are vaccuumed, walls are cleaned, and even the oven is scrubbed. It is time to get on the road and make this thing happen.

But before I go, a few thoughts on California....

Traffic....Gag me.
Weather in winter....Excellent!
Weather in summer....excruciating!
Beer....well its no Fat Tire.
Olive oil....freaking awesome!
San Fran....A hell of a lot of fun.
Work....challenging, satisfying. fresh as you can get (and at top dollar).
Sierra Nevadas....beautiful.

So there it is, my adventure in California is over. Wow. I have had some great life experiences, some definite learning moments, and overall just a lot of fun. There are certainly things that I am going to miss, but I miss the things back home even more. A winery just can not make up for family and friends.

And with that, goodbye California.

Oh, and I think it only appropriate to start a completely new blog when I get to Denver. So except for a post directing you to my new site this will be the last one here. Thanks for checking me out! It has been a lot of fun to just post my ramblings for almost a year now. It would not be any fun if no one read it, so thanks. Everyone say goodbye!!!

posted by Nick P. @ 5:19 PM

a nice farewell

Ahhh, what a nice relaxing weekend. I am really glad I intentionally got most everything done before this weekend so I could just go do cool stuff. I went out to the wine valleys, I ran by my olive oil place, I tried to buy a coffee table at IKEA (unsuccesfully), and I went to a Mormon potluck dinner.

Okay, well the potluck was at least funny. I went and visited my cousins down in Livermore but they already had plans to go to some Mormon potluck. Go fig, it was about the same as all church related potlucks I have ever been to. The food was cold, the selection unique (hey when was the last time YOU had dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets?), and the conversations awkward. A good time to be had by all!

I spent most of my day today saving energy for the big trip (read I slept most of the day and watched VH1 countdowns.) Now I am trying to close up the last few things I have left out in the open. Throw a few things into a box and vaccuum the places that I can. Looks like I will be fighting some snow on the way back (hey, I chose this) but it will still be cool.


posted by Nick P. @ 6:49 PM

single barrel and a smile

I had a pretty cool day today. The guys at work have obviously given up on trying to get any real work out of me now. They just kind of let me do my thing and talk to them before I leave and stuff. Some of them I am gonna miss, cool guys and all.

Tonight Shane and I went out and got a couple drinks to celebrate my new job and his hefty promotion. It was great, we talked to this guy with the best mullett in the world. I mean, the kind where you are bald on top and the mullet grows around it. He talked about how if you smoked hops (like in beer) it would get you high, but it would give you explosive diarrhea. hehe, you know how that always makes me laugh. Then he told us all about all the alcohol he puts down in any given month. Look, when they do not make jugs of Jack big enough for you to get through a week, you have a problem. In any case he was cool.

We finished off the night toasting the cool stuff going on with a shot of Single barrel Jack Daniels. That is the stuff of the Gods. Wow, it was tasty and smooth. I think I may have to go get some of that when I get to Laramie (with the cheapest liquor store in the universe.) Which makes me think how nice it would be to build up my wetbar again. WOOHOO!

Oh, and Friday is my last day at work. How weird....

posted by Nick P. @ 10:31 PM

due to overwhelming demand

I will make a post.

So you wanna know about me? You wanna know what I have been doin? Well other than making this huge life changing transition in my life, not a hell of a lot. I have pretty much completely checked out at work. I think I probably got about 20 minutes of work done all day today. The rest was spent talking to people about how Sacramento can lick me. hehe.

I also bought Kill Bill and gave it a good viewing. God I love that movie. It keeps me warm at night just thinking of the next one coming out.

I also finished the kitchen tonight. I am fairly certain I had more boxes for that damn kitchen than I did for the entire rest of the apartment. I am looking at some cool places in Denver, it is just a matter of finding where they are and stuff.

What else can I tell you? Ummm, I think I will be in Laramie next Wednesday night. That is pretty cool I think.

Sorry for the lack of posts, I just did not want every post I have be simply about me putting stuff into boxes....which is kind of all I have been doing. There has been a lot going on back home, but I do not feel I should be commenting on that here.

All in all things are great. I am stupid excited about my move, I am stupid happy that the Avs won as did the Nuggets, and mostly I am just stupid. Be good ya'll!

posted by Nick P. @ 11:10 PM

wow, I suck

Sorry for another no post. I have no idea what my prob has been lately.

So I burned the hellout of myself yesterday. I was making a roast (probably my lst in Cali) nd had heated up some oil wicked hot. Then I put the roast in it and it slipped from my tongs and splashed up my arm. Good God it hurt!

Packing is going well. I just hate how when you re packing your place becomes a total disaster. I just have crap lying all over the place. I need to go get a box that is strictly for throwing crap in it.

Hope you all had a good Easter! Oh and Mickelson is a badass!

posted by Nick P. @ 7:42 AM

overwhelmed (but having a good time)

Can I just tell you how hard it is to try and work at a place that you know you are only at for another week? Diving into yet another iteration of selecting the equipment is just not something that I much feel like focusing on. I find my mind wandering to going to a Rockies game on a weeknight, or hopping in the car for the 4th of July celebrations.

Then there are the plays that I will inevitably see, and hopefully the Broncos game that I can squeeze in on a Sunday afternoon.

And of course the friends and family that I will get to hang out with again. In all reality, there is so much to look forward to.

And it is for this reason that I wish the idiots at work would just shutup and leave it all alone. "Its gonna be cold in Colorado." Where the hell do you think I am from? San Diego? "Your cost of living will be high there." Compared to where? Wyoming? Try compared to California. Not even close. "I worked with some mechanical guys from Colorado. They did not know anything." Oh give me a break. Like you do.

Jealous I suppose :-)

posted by Nick P. @ 9:51 PM

i have minutes!!!

That is right, I am now a part of society again!

posted by Nick P. @ 8:34 AM

pack and clean

Suprisingly everyone at work has been really cool about me taking off. This means 1 of 2 things. 1) They understand my predicament and they really do wish me well or 2) I was gonna get fired anyway, this just makes life easier for everyone.

Either way I am out of there. Spence is gonna go look at some apartment for me this weekend, so that is way cool. I have the truck setup and ready to go. I have all the strap to make it all snug, and I have someone to help me pickup the freaking couch with me. Things are falling into place.

Damn I am excited!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:08 PM

the logistics

Ah working out the move. Getting boxes, planning trucks and people to help pick up furniture. What fun. Well not exactly, but it is the cruddy part of a really good thing, so I do not mind much.

I called them and told them that I will not be able to start until May 3rd, which will give me a chance to party in Laramie for Megans birthday, as well as just get good and setup before work starts.

Here is something interesting too. Monday thru Thursday they work 7:30 to 5:30, and Friday they only work till 11:30. Heck yeah! Lots of time to cruise on out of town.

I will keep everyone up to date on my going ons though....stay tuned!

posted by Nick P. @ 10:47 PM

wanna know?

Well I know this will not reach everyone, and I will be calling many of you, but I have made my decision.

This morning I accepted the job in Denver and quit my job in Sacramento. I was hired on with MKK Engineering, a fairly major engineering firm in the Midwest. I will be out of Cali in 2 weeks and into Colorado shortly after that.

The more I think bout this, the more excited I get. This is truly what I wanted when I went job searching a year ago. I had to wait a bit, but now it is here. The job will not be much different from what I have now, but it will be in such a better place that it does not matter.

In any case, things will be insanely busy for the next couple of weeks trying to pull all this off. Wish me luck cuz this one is gonna be tight!

posted by Nick P. @ 1:45 PM

ok, I will tell you now

For those of you who do not know what I have been hinting at lately, I will finally tell ya.

I have 2 job interviews in Colorado this weekend. Saturday morning I have one in Colorado Springs, and Sunday morning I have one in Denver. I am leaning towards the one in the Springs, but I guess I will see when I get there. Both places want me out there as soon as I possibly can, so it is quite possible I could be living in Colorado in less than 3 weeks.

I am flying out Friday afternoon and being picked up by my good friend Keith, who is on loan from my good friend Meg (who I hope gets to feeling her blog....yuck!)

In any case, these are some really big decisions for me, and it truly has been a struggle working out the logistics of such a move. But the thing I think I am most nervous about is the possibility of telling my boss that I am leaving. He is such a nice guy and I hate to leave him out on a limb like that. Oh well though, I can not make life decisions for myself if I never hurt someones feelings.

With that though, wish me luck! I hope to call everyone Sunday and tell you all my decision! Have a great weekend!

posted by Nick P. @ 9:18 PM

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